Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Station 103 Gets a New Engine

On Thursday, December 14, 2006, Engine 103 placed a new engine in service. This new 2006 E-One 2006 Cyclone II has a Detroit Diesel 60 series engine, an Allison 4060 World Transmission, a 1250 gpm Hale pump, a 750 gallon poly-tank and a 30 gallon foam cell and of course, a roto-ray. This engine replaces a similar 2002 E-One Cyclone which served our station well for over four years.

The old truck went out of service in style the night before, catching a small vehicle accident which resulted in a car fire. Volunteer Firefighter Lowry was also on the old unit's last structure fire which occured just one week before on December 7th. The career crew of Captain Randy Higgins and Firefighters Doug Barb, Jesse Reeves and Kris Aspen and Lowry caught the fire on Washington Blvd. See the story below.

For the new trucks first call, Volunteer Firefighter Eric Lekus was riding with the same career crew as above and went out for a malfunctioning appliance, the only call for their 24-hour shift.

The new Engine 103. Photo by Dee Allen.

With the new Engine 103 in the bay, Battalion 112 and Utility 103 sit out front on the apron. Photo by Dee Allen.

Happy Holidays!

On behalf of the Cherrydale VFD,
we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!

Santa! I know him! I know him!

This year's Cherrydale VFD ''Visit with Santa'' was the best yet, with over 270 children making a visit to the fire station, visiting with Santa, and receiving a present. Each year the members of the CVFD enjoy playing host as Santa arrives about Engine 103 with a cadre of other emergency vehicles. This year Engine 103, Utility 103 and several ACPD units let a parade from Station 8 down Lee Highway to Station 3. A large group of excited children were on hand to greet him as he climbed out of the officer's seat. Once upstairs in the social hall, a long line soon formed with children eager to meet Santa. The first in line was ACFD Firefighter Richard Slusher's new baby girl who was celebrating her first Christmas. The line lasted for approximately two and a half hours, not ending until shortly after 3:00 p.m.

The event even involved a last minute emergency trip to purchase additional gifts. With a long line, it was apparent that the older children were going to be stuck with building blocks and ABC games more suitable for preschool children. Santa dispatched Elf Joe (Lowry) and Elf Dee (Allen) in Utility 103 to CVS and Eckard Drug in about 20 minutes, we had an additional 40 gifts. At the end of the day, any gifts not given to the children in Arlington were boxed up and sent to our adopted VFD in West Virginia the same day. They were given out at a town celebration there the very next day.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Election Results and more

At last night's business meeting, the Cherrydale VFD held its annual election of officers and it pleased to announce the following:

President: Marvin Binns
Vice President: Scott Pardi
Treasurer: Charles Satterfield
Secretary: Cate Drew
Chief: Scott Pardi
Deputy Chief: Joe Lowry
Elected to the Board of Directors (3-year term):
Scott Pardi
Eric Lekus
Dee Allen

We would also like to welcome our newest member, Carter Comartie. He was approved for probationary membership and along with Mac MacIntyre, another new member, will begin the Indoc class in January.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Fighting fires... or clearing brush, it's all the same

On December 2, 2006, along with volunteers from the community, CVFD Chief Scott Pardi helped out clearing brush at the Cherry Valley Park. They cleared a section of brush along the bike trail down to the small lake. In the process, we discovered an old field stone chimney whose history is not known. Native plants and trees were planted in the clearing and in an effort to show we are always willing to show others our skills, Chief Pardi was able to show the county tree crew how to start a flooded chainsaw. Good job, Chief!

Cherrydale's Santa Event is around the corner

This year, Santa will be at the Cherrydale Fire Station on Sunday, December 17th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. All neighborhood children are invited and will receive a gift from Santa. Santa will arrive promptly aboard an Arlington fire engine. This is a great event. We hope you can make it!

CVFD's December 7th may live in infamy...

Thursday, December 7, 2006 was a good night for the Cherrydale VFD. At 7:00 p.m., members met at the Arlington Emergency Communications Center for a tour courtesy of Administrative Member and Arlington ECC Dispatcher Karen Thiverge. A nice tour and greater understanding of ECC were greatly appreciated. We went our seperate ways with Firefighter Recruit Joe Lowry heading to Station 3 to ride the engine for the night.

At 2118, Engine 103 was dispatched to 2814 Washington Blvd for the House Fire. We were dispatched and arrived 4th Due engine and assumed our duties as the Rapid Intervention Team (RIT). We arrived with heavy smoke showing, fire from the basement of Side Charlie, parked our unit out of the way, grabbed our tools, and proceeded to the house. Upon our arrival, several things needed to be done. First, the water supply had not yet been established. Lowry did this while our Captain did a walk around of the structure. As RIT, it is important to know the layout or perceived layout of the structure including entry and exit points as well as where the fire is located. Our next task included ventilation, and we were ordered to take the second floor windows. Truck 104 had taken care of laddering the building. We used those ladders to access the porch roof. While two firefighters went to the roof, Lowry secured the ladder. It isimportant that you not let go of that ladder until the firefigher reaches the roof and also be prepared for them to come back down.The fire was quickly knocked down. E103 did another walk around. We checked the exterior basement window seams for extension as fire had at one point blown out the windows so we pulled back some siding. Nothing found so we began to help pick up by rolling hose and putting away tools. We were onscene for about an hour.

Pictures from

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fire Department Open House

Fire Prevention Week Open House
Cherrydale VFD and Arlington Co. FD
Fire Station #3
3900 Lee Highway

10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
October 14, 2006

New E103 on the way...

The County will soon take delivery of a new engine for the Cherrydale Fire Station. Special considerations had to be made so that the rig would fit into the apparatus bay, which has a door that is lower than other County fire stations. While this piece is purchased by the County and not the volunteers, this is still the primary engine we operate from at Station #3. This picture was taken by Battalion Chief Joe Reshetar.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Onto the engine they go...

CVFD Recruit Firefighters Ben Sorensen and Jack Baber have joined the ranks of the CVFD's Ride List by completing their indoctrination training. Here are some pics of the guys climbing Truck 106's 100-foot aerial ladder and finishing up their Indoc Final Exam. All photos by Falls Church VFD R/FF Charles Fray.

Indoc Class X also took a group photo in front of The Pumpkin, the Arlington-Falls Church Volunteer Rescue Squad's Ambulance. CVFD members are Ben Sorensen (front row, second from left) and Jack Baber (front row, right).

CVFD Ice cream Social was a huge success!

Thanks to all the folks who stopped by our September 10th Ice Cream Social. We had a great turnout for an event that wasn't widely publicized. The kids enjoyed the ice cream, school supplies and a chance to see the fire engine.

Don't forget about our Fire Prevention Week Open House to be held on Saturday, October 14 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Again the fire station will be open for visitors. This is a great time to come out and say hello again. We will have several trucks there as well as food and games. I know both the volunteer and career firefighters would love for you to visit.

Here are some photos of the Ice Cream Social courtesy of CVFD Secretary Cate Drew and Chief Scott Pardi.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Indoc Pics

The newest members of the CVFD worked with members of Falls Church Company 6 during the ladders portion of their indoctrination class. Here are some of the latest pics!

The Cherrydale Station historical marker

The Cherrydale Volunteer Fire Department was the first fire company in Arlington County. Formed in 1898 and officially established in 1904. It originally consisted of 10 leather buckets, a ladder, and spirited volunteers. A community fundraiding effort, including a contribution from U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, resulted in the construction of the Cherrydale Firehouse in 1921. The maonry building became the first permanent firehouse in the county and has continually served the Cherrydale neighborhood as a center for social and community activities. The Cherrydale Volunteer Firehouse is a designated Arlington County Landmark and listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Riding 5th, Cherrydaler catches his first fire

On Tuesday, August 22, CVFD member Joe Lowry, riding as the fifth man with the career crew on Engine 103, worked on the interior for the first time during a working fire. Engine 103 was dispatched around 4:00 a.m. to 5436 North 22nd Street for a house fire and found a 1 1/2 story home with the rear well involved. Arriving third, Engine 103 took an attack line in the front door, knocking down the bulk of the fire inside the rear of the home. Lowry assisted on the attack line and with overhaul. E103 was on scene for just under two hours and after picking up our hose and refilling our air bottles, got back in quarters around 6:30 a.m.

Monday, August 07, 2006

CVFD Back-to-School Ice Cream Social

To all of our neighbors, the Cherrydale VFD will be hosting an ice cream social at the firehouse on Sunday September 10, 2006 from 1:00 p.m. until 3 p.m. Free school supplies will be provided to all of the kids in attendance. The fire truck will be open for tours and fire prevention materials will be handed out. Come join us for some free ice cream!

Cherrydale VFD heads to Baltimore

On Friday, August 4, four members of the Cherrydale VFD headed up to the Firehouse Expo in Baltimore to see the latest tools of the trade. Chief Scott Pardi, Firefighter Eric Lekus, and Recruits Joe Lowry and Jack Baber played hookie with their real jobs to scout out some new apparatus, buy some tools, and see how many weirdos there are in the fire service. A good time was had by all.

Chainsaws aren't for the weak

Surrounded by his classmates, CVFD recruit Jack Baber proves that chainsaws aren't children's toys at the second truck tools class of Indoc Class 9.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A hot, sunny, rainy, cool 4th of July

The 4th of July in the Washington-area is like no other in the country, and this year was no different. The day started out hot and muggy, with temperatures in the mid-90's. A early evening downpour brought a serious amount of rain and hail, causing an evacuation of several traditional fireworks viewing areas in Arlinton, including the Iwo Jima memorial. Joe Lowry of the Cherrydale VFD joined members of the Falls Church and Ballston VFD's in providing EMS services along the George Washington Memorial Parkway from Theodore Roosevelt Island to Gravelly Point and up to the Iwo Jima memorial. While surprisingly no serious injuries were reported all day, it was an excellent day for a ride as a member of the EMS bike team.

CVFD to Fairfax County for flood relief

On Friday, June 30, 2006, four members of the Cherrydale VFD took time off of work in order to provide support to Fairfax County Fire and Rescue units by assisting with flood recovery in the Huntington section of the county. Scott Pardi, Joe Lowry, Dee Allen and Ben Sorenson took Light and Air 103 and Utility 103 to the scene. That section of Fairfax had been under several feet of water following torential rains during the previous week. Cameron Run, a stream behind the nieghborhood, overflowed its banks and created flash flood conditions on Sunday and Monday. Residents who noticed an inch of water in their basements within minutes found 10 feet of water.

Outside of a few volunteer command officers, Cherrydale VFD fielded the only "working" team at the disaster site. The four members on the team provided heavy lifting, being tasked with removing appliances from flooded basements. The tally for the long day included 11 washers and dryers, one large freezer, one door (for disposal), a kiln, a dozen cinder blocks and some small shelving not to mention removing at least four other doors to allow room for appliance removal, one 4-drawer lateral file cabinet, several loads of debris, and landscaping timbers. We also provided lighting to several basements so other debris removing volunteers could operate.

Thanks go out to the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department as well as the several volunteer fire departments we worked with during the day. They had a very well organized and professional operation going on. Also thanks to the Salvation Army for providing us with lunch.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Summer weather floods Arlington

A rash of summer storms have left numerous locations in Arlington without power and under several feet of water. Since Sunday morning at midnight, Arlington has received 9.4 inches of rain. On Sunday and Monday nights, volunteer crews put LA103 and UT106 in service to answer public service calls (wires down, flooded basements, etc.). LA103 was even put on a medical call, not its normal forte. The communications center didn't have a local engine, so the call came over the air, "Arlington to LA103. Do you have medical capability?" Sure enough we do, so the unit responded for the sick person with a County medic unit. All told, LA103 and UT106 ran around 30 calls during the two nights, most of them on Sunday. The crews for the two nights included Tony Schloss, Justin Kirby, Joe Lowry, Sam Azar, Jim Clarke, Steve Sissler, Scott Pardi, Sarah Greer, Rob McCarry, Bill Haley, and Paul Schomburg.

CVFD at Indoc

On Saturday and Sunday (6/24 and 6/25), the rain couldn't stop the two new members of the CVFD from particpating in the hose load sections of the Indoc class at the Fire Training Academy. A member of Co. 6, Charles Frey, was there taking pictures of the day. CVFD FF-R Joe Lowry was on hand as an assistant instructor. Tony Schloss and Robin Davis were the lead instructors.

Baber and Sorenson on the pipe. Here they are learning how to work with an 1.75-inch hose line.

Leading the rehab sector with Dan Neumann (Co. 6), Lowry looks good under the tent.

Working the pipe, Part Duex.

Light and Air 103 is on the job. After the work, Frey took this picture of the LA unit.

Monday, June 05, 2006

One dead at N. Edgewood Fire

With volunteer firefighters Eric Lekus and Joe Lowry aboard, ECC dispatched Engine 103 to the 2400 Block of North Edgewood Street for an outside fire. Upon arrival the crew found a bird nest on fire inside a street lamp 30 feet above the street level. Once Truck 104 pulled the nest down, the fire was extinguished with Lekus on the 'line'. Despite the efforts of all involved, a young nestling succumbed to injuries sustained in the fast moving nest fire. Units were out for 30 minutes.

Photo and story context by Captain Randy Higgins, 103-C

LA103 kept busy over the weekend

For Light and Air 103, anything more than one call per week is considered busy. This weekend, we responded to two calls for service and were unable to make a third because we were still working the second. Besides being a great lighting and SCBA replishment vehicle, LA103 has extensive salvage and overhaul capabilities. The first call was Friday, June 2 for a blown sprinkler head on the 16th floor of the Hyatt Hotel on Wilson Blvd. in Rosslyn. The crew of Ambulance 102 placed their unit out of service in order to staff LA103. Joe Lowry, Jim Clarke, Paul Schomburg and James Fortner worked this call for two hours removing water from two floors of the hotel. The second was Sunday, June 4 at 4300 S. 29th Street, Arlington County's street sign department, next door to the fire training academy. A broken pipe on a water cooler kept the crew of Joe Lowry, Jim Clarke and Tony Schloss busy. Between the two calls, we put in almost four hours of water removal. As we were clearing S. 29th Street, we were requested by Command at a structure fire in Falls Church. Unfortunetly we could not clear the street department in time to make the fire. Too much work, not enought time.

Photo of LA103 by James Fortner, taken during the 2001 FFI/II class.