Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Summer weather floods Arlington

A rash of summer storms have left numerous locations in Arlington without power and under several feet of water. Since Sunday morning at midnight, Arlington has received 9.4 inches of rain. On Sunday and Monday nights, volunteer crews put LA103 and UT106 in service to answer public service calls (wires down, flooded basements, etc.). LA103 was even put on a medical call, not its normal forte. The communications center didn't have a local engine, so the call came over the air, "Arlington to LA103. Do you have medical capability?" Sure enough we do, so the unit responded for the sick person with a County medic unit. All told, LA103 and UT106 ran around 30 calls during the two nights, most of them on Sunday. The crews for the two nights included Tony Schloss, Justin Kirby, Joe Lowry, Sam Azar, Jim Clarke, Steve Sissler, Scott Pardi, Sarah Greer, Rob McCarry, Bill Haley, and Paul Schomburg.

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